EditorialTowhe Ground Finch - Common Blackberry, R?telgrundammer (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithography, Pl. 195 (vol. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audub...
EditorialArctic Ground Finch, Bunting (Pipilo arcticus), Signed: J.J. Audubon, J.T. Bowen, lithograph, Pl. 194 (Bd. 3), Audubon, John James (drawn); Bowen, J. T. (lith.), 1856, John James Audubon: The birds of America: from drawings made in the United States an...