EditorialCommon flutter grass and irregular fall fall, A: Milium effusum L. - Common Whetgrass or Forest Millet, B and C: Piptatherum paradoxum Palisot Beauvais - Fatal Fallgrass or Grandson Rice, Family: 24. Gramineae, 9. Stipeae - Grasses, Pfries Grasses, Taf...
EditorialEnglish Raygras and Italian Raygrass, A: Lolium perenne L. - English Raygrass, B: Lolium italicum M. Brown - Italian Raygrass, Many-flowered Ryegrass or Many-flowered Lolch, Family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae - Grasses, Barley Grasses, Date Appreciated,...
EditorialField trespe and Dachtrespe, A: Bromus arvensis L. - Field Trespe or Field Trespe, B: Bromus tectorum L. - Roof Trespe, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae - Grasses, Fescue Grasses, Plate 55, after S, 116 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr...
EditorialWater swaths and manna grass, A: Glyceria spectabilis Mertens and Koch - Water Swaths, B: Glyceria fluitans R. Brown - Mannagras, Floating Grasses, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae Grasses, Fescue Grasses, Date Estimate, Plate 59, to p. 132 (vol. ...
EditorialGrove bluegrass and panicle love grass, A and B: Poa nemoralis L. - Hain-bluegrass, C: Eragrostis poaeo?des Palisot de Beauvais - Small or Loose Love Grass, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae - grasses, fescue grasses, pl. 62, to p. 140 (vol. 1), 18...
Editorialwheat, A: Triticum vulgare L. - Common wheat or wheat, family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae - grasses, barley grasses, pl. 50, after p. 106 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschland, ?sterreich und der Schweiz in Wort und...
EditorialTwo-line barley, Hordeum distichum L. - Two-row barley or spring barley, Family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae grasses, barley grasses, Signed: WM, plate 49 II, after S. 104 (Bd, ), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschl...
EditorialCommon bearded grass and common ryegrass, A: Andropogon ischaemum L. - common bearded grass or finger-bearded grass, B: Anthoxanthum odoratum L. - Common or fragrant grass, family: 24. Gramineae, 12 Andropogoneae (A), 13. Phalarideae (B) - grasses, bea...
EditorialHard grass and Sudeten bluegrass, A: Poa dura Scopoli - Hartgrass, B and C: Poa Chaixi Villars - Sudeten bluegrass or forest bluegrass, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae - grasses, fescue grasses, pl. 60, to p. 134 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom...
EditorialCommon couch grass, Triticum repens L. - Common Wheatgrass or Creeping Wheatgrass Family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae - Grasses, Barley Grasses, Signed: WM, plate 52, after p. 110 (Bd., 1), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora vo...
EditorialCommon reed, Phragmites communis Trinius - common or reed, family: 24. Gramineae, 3. Arundineae - grasses, pipe grasses, signed: WM, plate 63, after p. 142 (vol. 1), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschland, ?sterre...
EditorialEgg-shaped hare's tail and land reed, A: Lagurus ovatus L. - Egg-shaped Hasenschwanzgras, or Velvetgrass, B: Calamagrostis epigeios Roth - Land-Reed or Land-Reitgras, Family: 24. Gramineae, 6. Agrostideae - Grasses, Windwheat Grass, pl. 73, after p. 16...
EditorialLying Sieglingie, Sieglingia decumbens Bernhardi - Low Siegliness or Three Teeth, Family: 24. Gramineae, 5. Aveneae - Grasses, Oat Grasses, Date Appreciated, Plate 71, after p. 158 (Vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutsch...
EditorialCommon millet and chicken millet, A: Panicum miliaceum L. - Common or Genuine Millet, B: Panicum Crus Galli L. - Fennich or Millet, Family: 24. Gramineae, 11. Paniceae - Grasses, millet grasses, Taf., 83, after p. 180 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?...
EditorialCommon Crested Grass and Common Cocksfoot, A: Cynosurus cristatus L. - Common Crested Grass or Common Crested Grass, B: Dactylis glomerata L. - Common Wagtail Grass or Meadow Grass, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae - Grass, Fescue Grass, Signed:, ...
EditorialSheep fescue and hard sheep fescue, A: Festuca ovina L. - Sheep's Fever or Common Fever, B and C: Festuca Ovina duriuscula L. - Hardy Fescue, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae Grasses, Fescue Grass, Date Estimate, Plate 57, to p. 127 (vol. 1), 1886...
Editorialrye, Secale cereale L. - Winter rye, family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae - grasses, barley grasses, Signed: WM, plate 53, after p. 112 (Vol. 1), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschland, ?sterreich und der Schweiz in ...
EditorialAnnual bluegrass and common bluegrass, A: Poa annua L. - Annual bluegrass or pointed grass, B: Poa trivialis L. - Common bluegrass, Family: 24. Gramineae, 2. Festucaceae - grasses, fescue grass, pl. 61, after S, 136 (vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: ...
EditorialCommon barley and six-row barley, A: Hordeum vulgare L. - Common Barley, B: Hordeum hexastichon L. - Six-Line Barley, Family: 24. Gramineae, 1. Hordeae - Grasses, Barley Grasses, Signed: WM, pl., 49 I, after p. 104 (vol. 1), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilh...
Editorialarrow pipe, Arundo donax L. - Arrow Pipe, Pile Pipe or Giant Reed, Family: 24. Gramineae, 3. Arundineae - Grasses, Pipe Grasses, Date Appreciated, Plate 64, after p. 142 (Vol. 1), 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: Prof. Dr. Thom?'s Flora von Deutschland, ?ster...
EditorialSeed Oats and Banner Oats, A: Avena sativa L. - Saat, panicles, B: Avena orientalis L. - flag-oat or flag-oat, Family: 24. Gramineae, 5. Aveneae - grasses, oat grasses, Signed: WM, Plate 66, after p. 146 (vol. 1), M?ller, W., 1886, Otto Wilhelm Thom?: ...
EditorialCommon hawthorn and dog ostrich grass, A: Ammophila arenaria Link - Common Sandstalk or Marram Grass, B: Agrostis canina L. - Dog's Swallowtail or Marsh-ostrichgrass, Family: 24. Gramineae, 6. Agrostideae - Grasses, Windwheat Grass, Date Appreciated, P...