EditorialETCHING ~ RENAISSANCE ~ 17TH ~ Fernao Magelhaes (1480? -1521) and his ship "Victoria" in which he began the first westward round the world voyage. In 1520 he found the "Magelhaes Street" between Latin America and Fireland, and was killed by local tribe...
EditorialDouardo Fernao Vaz, Atlas,1571,a hydrographic map of South America with the mouth of the Rio de la Plata and the Tierra del Fuego (Fireland) .
EditorialDouardo Fernao Vaz, Atlas,1571,a hydrographic map of South America with the mouth of the Rio de la Plata and the Tierra del Fuego (Fireland) .
EditorialETCHING ~ RENAISSANCE ~ 17TH ~ Fernao Magelhaes (1480? -1521) and his ship "Victoria" in which he began the first westward round the world voyage. In 1520 he found the "Magelhaes Street" between Latin America and Fireland, and was killed by local tribesmen.
EditorialLighthouse on an island in the Beagle Channel, the narrow sea-passage the Fireland, Tierra del Fuego. The Channel is named after the ship in which Darwin sailed during his first expedition.