EditorialDecorated title page. Hercules slaying the hydra, within a classical niche with putti. On the base of the niche is a Latin elegiac quatrain, between shields bearing the Este arms. This translation of the treatise of Jacopo Camphora was dedicated to Erc...
EditorialPi Sunyer, Charles (Barcelona 1888-Caracas, 1971). Spanish politician. Member of the ERC, was Minister of Finance of the catalan Government (1931) and Minister of Labor in the government of Martinez Barrio (1933). After the revolution of October 1934 ...
EditorialJOAN TARDA I COMA (1953). Pol?tico espa?ol de idiolog?a independentista catalana, perteneciente al partido "Esquerra Republica de Catalunya" (ERC). Diputado y portavoz de ERC en el Congreso del 2004-2008. Madrid 2005. Espa?a.
EditorialJOAN TARDA I COMA (1953). Pol?tico espa?ol de idiolog?a independentista catalana, perteneciente al partido "Esquerra Republica de Catalunya" (ERC). Diputado y portavoz de ERC en el Congreso del 2004-2008. Madrid 2005. Espa?a.