EditorialBattle order on three bodies according to the system of the author, Troop deployment for combat in three division, according to the author's system, signed: M. Pool sculp, Pl. III, Tom., II, Pag., 39, according to p. 38, Pool, M. (sculp.), 1774, Polybi...
EditorialPass of a part of the Mediterranean with the coasts of Spain and Algeria Pass of a part of the coast of Barbaria (title on object), Pass of a part of the Mediterranean with the coasts of Spain and Algeria and Majorca, with a deployment map of the Bay o...
EditorialPassport card of a portion of the northeast coast of Brazil Passport card of the sea coasts of Brazil, between Bahia Baxa, and Ponto de Lucena (title on object), Passport card of a portion of the northeast coast of Brazil and a deployment map of the su...
EditorialMap of county Holland, Comitatus Hollandiae tabula pluribus locis recens emendata (title on object), Map of the county of Holland on a scale of 1: 300 000, north on the right. Above right the weapon of Holland on a boat pulled by sea creatures. Bottom ...
EditorialPassport card of part of the east coast of England with the mouth of the Thames New Paskaert Van d'Oost Coast of England (title on object), Passport card of part of the east coast from England with the mouth of the Thames and a deployment map from the ...
EditorialMap of the province of Friesland, Dominii Frisiae Tabula, inter Flevum and Lavicam (title on object), Map of the province of Friesland on a scale of 1: 300 000. Bottom left a cartouche with the arms of Friesland and the Latin title. Cartouche surrounde...
EditorialPassport from the coast of Namibia and South Africa Pascaert from the Costa de Caffres, between Cabo Negro and Cabo de bona Esperan?a (title on object), Passport from the coast of Namibia and South Africa, with a deployment map of Saldanha Bay, with tw...
EditorialShot of two Armies arrayed in battle in presence of each other, one marked A going to attack one marked B, Army deployment summary, Pl. 11, p. 291, Villeneuve, Bardet de (inv. et delin.), 1740, Bardet de Villeneuve: La tactique ou l'art de ranger des b...