EditorialDish with Rampant Lion. Northern Italian, Padua or Venice, or South Italian, Taranto or Brindisi. Date: 1495-1505. Dimensions: Diameter: 44.5 cm (17 1/2 in.), H: 7.3 cm (2 7/8 in.). Earthenware with sgraffito decoration. Origin: Northern Italy.
EditorialAntieke zuil en gebouwen in haven van Brindisi. Vue ?loignee de la colonne Antique [sur le port de Brindisi]. Voyage en Italie, en Sicile et ? Malte - 1778 (series title). Draughtsman: Louis Ducros. Dating: 1778. Measurements: h 185 mm ? w 262 mm.
EditorialTwee beelden van nijlpaarden in wit marmer op een plein in Brindisi. Deux Hippopotames de marbre blanc dans une place publique ? Brindisi (title on object). Voyage en Italie, en Sicile et ? Malte - 1778 (series title). Draughtsman: Louis Ducros. Dating...
EditorialVia Appia Antica, Rome. Built by Roman censor Appius in 312 BCE, it runs for about 530 kms to Brindisi in Puglia. Roman legions walked this distance in 17-18 days to board the ships to the eastern provinces. Romans liked to be buried alongside a busy r...
EditorialVia Appia Antica, Rome. Built by Roman censor Appius in 312 BCE, it runs for about 530 kms to Brindisi in Puglia. Roman legions walked this distance in 17-18 days to board the ships to the eastern provinces. Romans liked to be buried alongside a busy r...