EditorialThe prophet Daniyal (Daniel) waylaid by the angel Cebrail (Gabriel) as he crossed the river Cehun (Oxus) by a bridge. Camasbname. 1527. Source: Add. 24962, f.11v. Language: Ottoman Turkish.
EditorialThe prophet Daniyal (Daniel) waylaid by the angel Cebrail (Gabriel) as he crossed the river Cehun (Oxus) by a bridge. Camasbname. 1527. Source: Add. 24962, f.11v. Language: Ottoman Turkish.
EditorialThe prophet Daniyal (Daniel) waylaid by the angel Cebrail (Gabriel) as he crossed the river Cehun (Oxus) by a bridge. Camasbname. 1527. Source: Add. 24962, f.11v. Language: Ottoman Turkish.