EditorialJanuary Suchodolski (1797-1875). Polish painter. Retreat from the Environs of Moscow, an Episode from the Year 1812, 1854. 19th Century Polish Art Gallery (Sukiennice Museum). National Museum of Krakow. Poland.
EditorialJanuary Suchodolski (1797-1875). Pintor polaco. Retirada de los alrededores de Mosc?, episodio del a?o 1812, 1854. Galer?a de Arte Polaco del siglo XIX (Lonja de los Pa?os, Sukiennice). Museo Nacional de Cracovia. Polonia.
EditorialJanuary Suchodolski (1797-1875). Pintor polaco. Retirada de los alrededores de Mosc?, episodio del a?o 1812, 1854. Galer?a de Arte Polaco del siglo XIX (Lonja de los Pa?os, Sukiennice). Museo Nacional de Cracovia. Polonia.
EditorialGuerra de Independencia Espa?ola. Batalla de Somosierra (30 de noviembre de 1808). Enfrentamiento entre el ej?rcito espa?ol y las tropas de la Grande Arm?e de Napole?n. Pintura de January Suchodolski (1797-1875), 1860. Museo Nacional de Varsovia. Polonia.
EditorialIllustrated cross-section of Swiss mountain range from the book 'Elements of Geology'. Elements of Geology. London England. Sir Charles Lyell, 1797-1875. Elements of Geology. London : J. Murray, 1838. Source: 725.b.41 110 fig.66. Language: English.
EditorialSir Charles Lyell. Life, Letters and Journals of Sir C. Lyell. ... Ed. John Murray: London, 1881. Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875). Scottish geologist. Portrait engraved by C.Holl from a drawing by George Richmond. Image taken from Life, Letters and Jour...
EditorialIllustrated cross-section of Swiss mountain range from the book 'Elements of Geology'. Elements of Geology. London England. Sir Charles Lyell, 1797-1875. Elements of Geology. London : J. Murray, 1838. Source: 725.b.41 110 fig.66. Language: English.