The Id Kah mosque (Uyghur: H閥tgah Meschit; Chinese: Ait韌aer) is a mosque located in Kashgar; Xinjiang; in the western People's Republic of China. It is the largest mosque in China. Every Friday; it houses nearly 10;000 worshippers and may accommodate up to 20;000. The mosque was built by Saqsiz Mirza in ca. 1442 (although it incorporated older structures dating back to 996) and covers 16;800 square meters.

In 1933; on August 9; the Chinese Muslim General Ma Zhancang killed and beheaded the Uighur leader Timur Beg; displaying his head on a spike at Id Kah mosque. In March 1934; it was reported that the uighur emir Abdullah Bughra was also beheaded; the head being displayed at Id Kah mosque. In April 1934; the Chinese Muslim general Ma Zhongying gave a speech at Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar; telling the Uighurs to be loyal to the Republic of China Kuomintang government at Nanjing.

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