Ko Panyi is a massive karst outcrop in the lee of which a prosperous Thai Muslim fishing village shelters from the South-West Monsoon. The unusual location of the stilted Muslim fishing village, together with the unexpected mosque and minaret, has provided the inhabitants of Ko Panyi with an unexpected and welcome additional source of income in the years since the advent of tourism. Although the island has become commercialised, the people are remarkably open and friendly.

Despite the rise of tourism, fishing remains an economic mainstay for the locals. There are also a few halal restaurants and small cafes on the island.

First inaugurated in 1981, Ao Phang Nga National Park covers an area of about 400 sq km and is comprised mainly of karst rocks and islands, towering cliffs and the clear waters of the Sea of Phuket. Although home to a wide variety of marine and coastal creatures, including the two-meter long water monitor, most people visit the park to marvel at and sail through and around the many looming karst towers.

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