Amaterasu, sometimes called by her full name Amaterasu-omikami, is one of the most important deities in the Shinto religion. Goddess of the sun and the universe, Amaterasu's name means 'shining in heaven', while her full name translates to 'the great august kami (god) who shines in the heaven'.

Amaterasu was born from the left eye of the creator god Izanagi as he purified himself from his attempt to save his wife Izanami from the underworld, Yomi. Her brother and later husband, the moon god Tsukuyomi, was born from Izanagi's right eye, while her other brother, the storm god Susanoo, was born from washing the nose. She ruled the heavens alongside her husband until a dispute led to Tsukuyomi being split and sent away, separating night from day.

She also had a great rivalry with her hotheaded brother Susanoo, and after he rampaged through her rice fields and tossed a flayed pony at her loom, as well as killing one of her advisors, Amaterasu fled into a cave and hid herself. With her gone, the sun disappeared and the people suffered, and she was eventually lured out of the cave, while Susanoo was banished from Heaven.

Amaterasu had in her possession three items which she would bequeath to her descendant Ninigi, one of the first emperors of Japan. These items would become the Imperial Regalia of Japan. Amaterasu is still worshipped to this day, with shrines to her scattered throughout Japan.

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