35-40 Years, 6-9 Months, at home, baby, Beginnings, Behavior, bonding, Brown Hair, Button Down Shirt, Care, caring, caucasian, Mixed Race Person, Mixed Race Person, childhood, close up, color image, Communication, curiosity, Cute, daughter, domestic life, enjoying, family, father, Front View, Full Length, girl, Happiness, happy, Head And Shoulders, Hispanic, Holding, horizontal, indoors, Innocence, Joy, Latin American, Latin American and Hispanic Ethnicity, latina, laying, lifestyle, Living Room, livingroom, Looking Down, love, Lying On Back, man, mid adult, Mid Adult Men, New Life, Non-alcoholic Beverage, One Parent, people, photography, playing, Sensory Perception, smiling, sofa, Support, together, togetherness, Two Generation Family, two people, Mixed Race Person2, 30-35, 30-40, 35-40, adoring, adult, affection, aiding, appreciating, assistance, bliss, cheerful, cherishing, child, children, close-up, closeup, color, colour, communicating, couch, curious, dad, dada, daddy, davenport, delight, delighted, devotion, divan, drawing room, emotion, enjoyment, fatherhood, fathering, feeling, fellow, female, fondness, full body, full-length, fun, furnishing, furniture, gaiety, gal, genesis, gentleman, glad, gleeful, gratifying, guy, head & shoulders, human, human being, inception, indoor, inside, interest, jolly, juvenile, kid, kin, kinfolk, latino, lighthearted, lounge, male, merry, minor, naive, origin, pa, papa, parent, person, playful, pleasing, pleasure, pop, poppa, recreation, regard, rejoicing, relationship, relative, relishing, room, satisfaction, seat, settee, sitting room, smile, thirties, thirty, trusting, two, unworldly, western european, young, youngster, youth, youthful,

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