Molassine Dog & Puppy Cakes revolutionise dog feeding - equally suitable for all kinds of dogs, 1909. ...REVOLUTIONISE DOG FEEDING. They are Equally Suitable for All Kinds of Dogs and Puppies. They Prevent and Eradicate Internal Parasites and worms. They Create Healthy Conditions in the Stomach, causing the whole of the nutriment of the entire food to be digested. They Keep Dogs Skins and Coats in Fine Condition and Free from Odours. These Cakes are a perfectly natural Food, and do not contain any Drugs, though they contain Antiseptic and Health-giving Properties that render medicines and powders unnecessary. ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER CAKES. Sold by Grocers, Stores, Corn Merchants and The MOLASSINE CO., LTD., Dog and Puppy Cake Works, 69, Tunnel Avenue, Greenwich, S. E. In districts where these cakes are not stocked by Dealers we pay carriage to consumers. Molassine Meal the Food for all Animals. From "Illustrated London News", 1909.

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