Good Night, by A. C. Stannus, 1870. Engraving of a painting. A very sweet, simple, unaffected feeling pervades this admirably-painted little picture of a humble incident of every-day life on our coasts. A fisherman is starting in his smack for the customary nights fishing. His pretty young wife, with her little one, has come down to the jetty to see him off. As the light wind fills the sail, and the boat glides from the beach, the sturdy husband and father shouts lustily and heartily a fond "Good-night!" to those with whom his heart is steadfastly anchored on shore. The responsive adieu of wife and child is less loud but not less affectionate, the wifes love finding more endearing expression in the waving of the little hand of their darling boy. The last thing to be descried will be those two figures, with the halo of evening light playing about them, and the memory of them will cheer the long and silent watch under moon and stars...There is no shade of doubt or fear, for there is no portent of danger. The mellow evening sunlight which suffuses the sky, and is reflected (very truthfully) from the dancing waves, the young moon, and the soft clouds which scarcely veil its faint crescent - all presage a still night and a safe return. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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