New arrivals at the Zoological Societys Gardens: Pheasants, 1870. The new Impeyan is at once distinguishable from the well-known Monal, or common Impeyan pheasant of the Himalayas, as, also, from the more recently-discovered Lhuys Impeyan, of Sechuen, by well-marked characters. The sides of the head are widely naked and covered with bright blue skin. The top of the head is covered with short, curly feathers, of a bright green...The general colour of the plumage is velvety black...the tragopan, which Dr. Jerdon has named Ceriornis Blythii or Blyths to be recognised at first sight by the splendid golden-yellow of the naked face and throat...The figure on the right represents Sclaters Impeyan; that on the left is Blyths tragopan. Behind, in the background, is given a view of Temmincks tragopan, in order to show the remarkable way in which these birds display their throat-wattler in the breeding-season. From "Illustrated London News, 1870.

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