Freshening Gale, Scarborough: Fishing-Boats returning to Harbour, by E. Hayes, from the Royal Academy exhibition, 1871. Engraving of a painting. This spirited marine piece is by Mr. E. Hayes, a member of the Hibernian Academy...Many of us, we suspect, are already feeling the need of a "freshening gale," in a sense the painter did not intend, to blow away the dust and heat of the London season, to scatter our cares and revive our drooping energies. "Scarboro," too, the "Queen of Watering-Places," as our Yorkshire friends delight to style her, will be the destination of not a few who already pine to sniff the salt breeze on its cliffs or in little boating or fishing excursions from its beach. But whoever has a zest for the latter will, we trust, relish the treat of a "freshening gale" more than we remember to have done in an amateur sea-fishing expedition on one occasion. May good digestion wait on appetite! In return for our benediction we trust the reader will also wish us a bon voyage! for we, too, hope to have had a roll and a rollick on the sea before this meets his eye, though we shall run for seme other harbour than that of Scarborough. From "Illustrated London News", 1871.

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