The new Bishop of Chichester, 1870. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. S. A. Walker. The Right Rev. Richard Durnford, D.D.,...received his education at Eton College, where he was a contributor to the celebrated Etonian, of which the late Mr. Winthrop M. Praed was editor; and many of his Latin verses appear in the Musae Etonenses...[At Oxford] he was elected successively a Demy and a Fellow of Magdalen College, where he took his B.A. degree in the Easter Term of 1826, obtaining a first class in classical honours, and proceeded M.A. in 1829. Having been ordained deacon in 1830, and admitted into priests orders in 1831, he was appointed, in 1835, Rector of Middleton, Lancashire, a town of 10,000 population, near Manchester. The living is in private patronage, of the annual value of ?950. He was preferred to the Archdeaconry of Manchester in 1867, and made Canon of Manchester Cathedral in 1868. As one of the Proctors in Convocation, Archdeacon Durnford has taken his fair share in the proceedings in the Lower House, where he has been remarkable less for brilliant talents or oratory than for sound, sober, and practical views. In the neighbourhood of Manchester he bears the character of a laborious and painstaking parochial clergyman. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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