House of the family murdered at Denham, near Uxbridge, 1870. View of ...a cottage, with a small workshop or smithy, a prettily laid-out flower-garden in front, and a fruit and vegetable garden...the calling or trade of the tenant is indicated alike by a signboard over the smithy, bearing the words "Emanuel Marshall, wheelwright and engineer". [It was the scene of] the horrid slaughter of Marshall, his wife and three little girls, his aged mother, and his sister...[Our] Engraving shows the house in which this hideous deed of wanton cruelty was done, and where the whole of this innocent family - the strong man, good husband and father, good son and brother, good workman in his skilful and useful industry - the three women, one of them already near the natural end of her life, but revered and cherished...and the children, of from four to eight years..fell beneath the butcherly axe of a savage with the spirit of a fiend. In this place, a quiet village of Buckinghamshire, an hour before dawn of a peaceful Sunday in the glad month of May, [a massacre] was done by one man, without any provocation or temptation...The examination of the evidence against the prisoner...a tramp named Jenkins, alias Jones...was resumed at Aylesbury, in the county gaol. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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