Entry of the Governor-General of India into Peshawur, 1870. The British in India. The tour lately made by the Earl of Mayo, among the frontier stations of the Punjaub, towards the borders of Afghanistan and Cashmere, is an event of some political importance. His state entry into the city of Peshawur, on April 30. is the subject of our Illustration, from a sketch by Captain Yule...In the distance may be seen the Khyber Hills, whilst the procession is winding through the native city on its way to the house of the Commissioner, Colonel Pollock. The various crowd of Afghans, Afreedees, Wuzeerees, Peshawurees, and various savage tribes, who had flocked in from their mountain homes to see the entry, formed a most striking and picturesque scene. In the first carriage may be seen the Viceroy and Lord Napier of Magdala, accompanied by the Private Secretary and Commissioner of Peshawur. In the second carriage are the Military Secretary, the Foreign Secretary of the Government of India, and the Secretary of the Government of the Punjaub. Other officials followed in carriages or on horseback...After riding to the Khyber Pass, and to Kohat, the Viceroy was to leave Peshawur and to make his round of the outposts on the north-east frontier. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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