Consecration the Ven. Henry Mackenzie, D.D., as Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham, 1870. The question, "What is a Suffragan Bishop?" has of late often been asked, and can now be practically answered, for the first Bishop of this class has just been consecrated at Nottingham after an interval of 250 years, the last of the post-Reformation series having been Sterne, Suffragan Bishop of Colchester at the beginning of the seventeenth century...[The service took place] in the Church of St. Mary...[which] was decorated for the occasion. The wall behind the communion-table was covered with lilies and evergreens, and various monograms adorned the walls. On the north wall of the chancel...were scrolls bearing the words "Quench not the Spirit," "Rejoice evermore," and "Pray without ceasing"...On the Bishop-Designate issuing from the vestry the presenting Bishops led him to the altar-rails...The "Veni Creator" was then sung by the choir, the first line being said by the Bishop of London. At the conclusion of the consecration the newly-consecrated Bishop took his place, with the other Bishops, within the rails, and, after the offertory had been made, the sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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