The Hon. Artillery Companys Ball given to the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1870. The ball...was a splendid entertainment...The Armoury House of the Companys barracks, in the City-road, Finsbury, [London], was decorated for this festive occasion...The Albert Drill-Hall was fitted up as the ball-room. The floor was covered with a new linen drugget bordered with red carpeting. A band of scarlet cloth, 4 ft. wide, was on the walls...[which] were nearly covered with decorations of one kind or another. Pier-glasses, mirrors, statuary, and trophies of flags and old weapons without end were tastefully arranged about the room; and at the upper end a dais of three steps was erected for the Prince and Princess and their suite...The orchestra was erected opposite the entrance. It was occupied by a specially-selected quadrille band, under the direction of Mr. Hird, the regimental bandmaster...Dancing commenced punctually at half-past eight...The ball-room was now very much thronged, and the scene was delightfully gay...Most of the gentlemen were in uniform or official costume, and there were present many officers of metropolitan volunteer corps. Dancing was kept up with great spirit till midnight, without inconvenient crowding. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.

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