Trial of the Windsor Election Petition in the Townhall, Windsor, 1869. It was stated in our town edition, last week, that Mr. Roger Eykyn had been declared duly elected for Windsor. The hearing of the proceedings in connection with the Windsor election petition was resumed and concluded yesterday week. On the opening of the court, Mr. OMalley, Colonel Gardners counsel, stated that his client had abandoned the petition, feeling bound in honour to admit that no case had been made out against the sitting member, such as he had supposed he would have been enabled to establish. Mr. Eykyn and his agents were then examined, and denied the charges of bribery and corrupt practices which had been brought. The Judge determined to report to the Speaker that the sitting member was not guilt y, by himself or his agents, of corrupt practices; that corrupt practices did not extensively prevail in the borough; and that the costs of the trial must be borne by the petitioner, Colonel Richardson-Gardner. We give an Illustration of this Election Assize. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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