Tournament of the 17th Lancers in the camp at Shorncliffe, [near Cheriton in Kent], 1868. The camp at Shorncliffe was visited last week during several days by many people coming to be spectators of the competition among the non-commissioned officers and privates of the 17th Lancers for prizes to be gained by superior skill in the use of their weapons...the men contended, on horseback, with lances or swords of wood, not pointed, but chalked at the ends. The faces of the men were protected by wire masks or helmets. It was a pretty thing to look at; the order, "Ready, march," being given, the combatants advanced towards each other and commenced hostilities, each ones ambition being to disable his opponent. If either were unhorsed by his adversary a point was lost; in case of a weapon being dropped the combatant dismounted to regain it, and then had to remount to renew the contest. Immediately on a point being made an exchange of the adversaries weapons was made, and the struggle was renewed; when, if both made a point, the issue was decided by both making use of the lance. The successful competitors are entitled to an increase of 2d., 3d., or 4d. per day, according to rank, for the next year. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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