The Start Lighthouse, South Devon, 1868. The lighthouse on Start Point...stands upon one of the westernmost headlands of the English Channel, which, being a point of departure for outward-bound vessels, and very frequently the first land sighted on the homeward voyage, is of great importance. The light-tower, which was erected in 1836, is built of granite, on a circular base, and is 92 ft. high. From the lantern by which it is surmounted a revolving or flashing light of the first order is exhibited, the bright flash appearing once in a minute. This is effected on the now well-known dioptric system of Fresnel...It was the first of its kind erected in an English lighthouse. The system is now out of date; it will shortly be replaced by a more modem instrument, with all the additions and improvements that optical skill and improved manufacture can provide. Specimens of this improved dioptric apparatus, manufactured by the Messrs. Chance Brothers...were exhibited in the Paris International Exhibition of last year, for which the Messrs. Chance received the gold medal...this light is even now considered by mariners to be one of the best on the coast of England. It is visible in clear weather at a distance of twenty miles. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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