Her Majestys Indian Government Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambeth, [south London], 1868. Through this range of buildings,...passes almost every article of European manufacture or produce which is required by the Government Departments of the Indian empire: the military, marine, public works, medical, trigonometrical surveys, Mint, commissariat, stationery, telegraph, and civil miscellaneous departments. With few exceptions, every article...is here examined, practically tested, carefully packed, marked, and shipped by the staff of the department; and through its agency upwards of 25,000 tons of stores of various descriptions are sent to India annually. During the past twelvemonth this quantity has been supplemented by nearly 120,000 packages for the Abyssinian expedition, consisting of mule packsaddles, warm clothing, boots, blankets, waterproof sheets, portable cooking ranges and steam ovens, condensing apparatus, preserved meats, vegetables, and milk, well-sinking apparatus, chain pumps, portable filters, telegraph stores, photographic apparatus, magnetic field instruments, and lime-lights; forges, pioneers tools, steel mountain batteries, rockets, ammunition, arms, and numerous other requirements for carrying on mountain warfare. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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