The Grand Master investing the Prince of Wales with the Order of St. Patrick, in St. Patricks Cathedral, Dublin, 1868. The ceremony...was performed...with great pomp and splendour...The Prince of Wales and the Grand Master were attended by young noblemen as pages...the choir sang Sir John Stevensons "Te Deum,"...The Marquis of Clanricarde and Marquis Conyngham, as senior knights present, then, by order of the Grand Master, descended from their stalls and girt his Royal Highness with the sword...His Royal Highness was then robed with the mantle...The Prince of Wales having advanced to the stall of the Grand Master, his Excellency invested him with the collar of the order, saying, "Sir, The loving company of the Order of St. Patrick hath received you, their brother, lover, and fellow; and, in token and knowledge of this, they give you and present you this badge, the which God will that you receive and wear from henceforth to His praise and pleasure, and to the exaltation and honour of the said illustrious order and yourself"...This being concluded, the choir sang the "Hallelujah Chorus" from "The Messiah". From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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