The Emperor of the French distributing the prizes of the Agricultural Show at Orleans, 1868. Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie visit the ...Septennial Agricultural Show...which is the centre of an agricultural "region." The Emperor has a model farm of his own at La Motte Beuvron...but he has not, before this, appeared in public at Orleans since he was President of the Republic, in 1849...the Emperor and Empress, attended by their suite and the Prefect of the Loiret, entered on foot the agricultural show. After some time spent in examining the cattle and agricultural machinery, they withdrew to a reserved space, where some hundreds of persons had been invited to receive their Majesties, and to witness the distribution of agricultural prizes and decorations of the Legion of Honour. This took place in the open air, at the entrance of a beautiful tent. The Emperor and Empress afterwards walked among the invited ladies and gentlemen, and were presented by the Prefect to many of the company. On the steps leading to the tent, and within the tent, both the Emperor and Empress conversed a great deal with the Bishop, the Prefect, the Mayor, the Prefects lady, the Mayoress, and others. Their Majesties seemed thoroughly pleased. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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