The Durbar at Umballah: meeting of the Governor-General of India and the Ameer of Cabul, 1869. Engraving from a photograph by Captain Taylor, aide-de-camp, showing ...members of Council, Lieutenant-General Lord Napier of Magdala,...native chiefs of India...,and high civil and military officers from all parts of India. On the left: a young native sirdar; the Nawab of Moleir Kotlah; the Rajah of Kuppoorthulla; the Rajah of Nabha, the Rajah of Jheend, and the young Maharajah of Puttiala. Behind: Mr. Forsyth, Commissioner of Jullunder; Major-General Taylor, C.B., Commissioner of Umballah. In the centre: the Viceroy, the Earl of Mayo. On his right is the Ameer of Cabool, and on his left the son of that Prince, Sirdar Abdoolah Jan. Behind: Dr. Bellew, Captain Upperton; Lieutenant-Colonel Chamberlain; Wuzeer Noor Mahomed; Captain Grey, the Persian interpreter, Mr. Seton Karr, Foreign Secretary, Major the Hon. E. Bourke, Military Secretary; Major-General Beatson, C.B., commanding Umballah Division; Major Burne, Private Secretary; right: Sir Donald MLeod, Lieutenant Governor of the Punjaub; Sir William Mansfield, Commander-in-Chief; Sir Henry Durand, Sir R. Temple, and the Hon. Mr. Ellis, members of the Supreme Council. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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