The Disaster on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway: scene of the accident, 1869. Fatal accident of the ...mail-train from Poonah to Bombay, in descending the Bhore Ghaut ...On reaching the top of the incline, the engine brakes and the four incline brakes were applied...the driver and guard both found that they had no control on the motion of the train...the speed increased till it reached a frightful velocity, and continued to increase...the engine-driver, the incline guard, two main-line guards, two firemen, and the four incline brakemen, finding that there was no hope of the train stopping before an accident happened, jumped off and escaped with only slight injuries...The engine rushed on to the earth buffer, displaced it, and tumbled over the embankment, drawing after it the four brakes, one second-class and four third-class carriages. These went over and were smashed to pieces...the passenger-carriages went straight down, were smashed to splinters, and mutilated the unfortunate occupants in a horrible manner...The third-class carriages were occupied by natives; and of these fourteen were killed on the spot...There were 150 passengers altogether: those in the hinder carriages were the Europeans, and were little hurt. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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