The Crimea Revisited: the Headquarters burial-ground, 1869. View of ...the graveyard adjoining the Russian country house where Lord Raglan died (the head-quarters of the successive British Commanders-in-Chief, Lord Raglan, General Simpson, and Sir W. Codrington), situated half way between Sebastopol and Balaklava...The burial-ground is a very small inclosure, close to the north wall of the garden of the house of Khutor Karagatch...The wall is in very good order...The principal monument here is the one to the memory of General Estcourt, Adjutant-General to Lord Raglan. This was the officer who had surveyed the Euphrates valley with Colonel Chesney for the long-talked-of railway...His grave is in the best order, since it has been looked after at the desire of Lady Estcourt, who has never omitted a chance of having the spot attended to. The cross next it marks the grave of Mr. Calvert, who was interpreter at head-quarters. He died about the same time as General Estcourt and Lord Raglan. This was shortly after June 18, when the attack on the Redan and Malakoff failed; and there is no doubt but that the result of that failure was to produce a dispiriting effect upon everyone, which affected not only the mind but even the bodily health. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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