The Abyssinian Expedition: view from the fortified post of Adigerat, 1868. ...a landscape view, taken from the fortified [British Army] post which has been formed at Adigerat. That place...has become an important forwarding depot for Sir Robert Napiers army. A small garrison, consisting of two or three companies of infantry, with a couple of guns, is now stationed there. Being near the edge of the highlands, and infested by the wild plundering tribes of that region, it has been thought prudent to fortify the position of Adigerat by throwing up some rough earthworks, and providing other means of repelling any sudden attack on the Commissariat stores there. These works are partly shown in the foreground of our view, while the church and village of Adigerat appear in the middle distance, about a mile and a half removed. The square tower at the right hand is that of the castle, where...a native Princess, whose husband or kinsman (we know not which), named Sabaugadis, is detained in captivity by King Theodore, has shut herself up, to be inconsolable until his release. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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