Scenes from the Christmas pantomimes: Drury Lane Theatre: "Little King Pippin" - the Temple of Mammon, 1865. London stage production of "Little King Pippin; or, Harlequin Fortunatus and the Magic Purse and Wishing-Cap." Messrs. Falconer and Chatterton are reported to have expended a mint of money on its representation...The induction opens with the Temple of Mammon,...the dirty deity himself being rather too majestically represented by Mr. Henri Drayton, who supplies Fortune with the inexhaustible purse, which, ultimately, she bestows on Fortunatus (Miss Augusta Thompson). But will the boundless supply of wealth thereby imparted secure happiness to the possessor? Alas, no! unless his wishes in other respects be likewise gratified...Having purchased the wishing-cap of King Pippin (Master Percy Roselle) and thus replenished the monarchs treasury, the immediate result is that a popular revolution commences, and the alarmed Sovereign takes to flight, accompanied by Fortunatus...Mr. Beverley has surpassed himself in the elaborateness of this, and has thrown considerable novelty into the design of all his scenes, thus altogether surpassing himself this year in the degree in which he succeeds usually in surpassing others. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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