Scenes from the Christmas pantomimes: Surrey Theatre: "King Chess" - giving check to the Queen, 1865. London stage production of ...a new pantomime, written by "Three Jolly Dogs." It is entitled "Harlequin King Chess; or, Tom the Pipers Son and See-saw Margery Daw." Our readers will see by our Illustration how the King gives the check to Queen Chess in an animated scene in which all the figures are living beings. The effect of this scene is surprisingly novel. The scenes preceding it are all excellent, but in this "the top of all excellence" is attained. It is impossible to praise the acting too much. Mr. Henry Thompson, as Simple Simon, and Miss Esther Jacobs, as Tom, are exceedingly good representatives of these parts. The drama, of course, includes a grand ballet, and in this Mdlle. Rosier acquitted herself as a graceful and vigorous dancer...The house...was crowded from the very beginning of the evening; and the new Surrey bids fair to excel the character of the old. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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