Ruins of buildings at Old Ford, Bow, [East London], destroyed by the late gale, 1868. The destructive effects of the furious gale which blew over London on Saturday, the 1st February, raging with the utmost violence in the eastern suburbs, were noticed in our last [issue]. It will be recollected that the greatest loss of life was at the dyeworks of Messrs. Farman and Sons, where a shaft or chimney was blown down, falling upon the roof of one of the workshops, causing the death of three women and injuring several others. The upper portion of the shaft fell completely through the roof, the brickwork scattering in the room beneath, in which many women were working, and carrying away the floor and part of the walls. Women, roofing, and flooring were all heaped together upon the basement; and when assistance was procured and the rubbish and bricks partially cleared away, three dead bodies were got out in a shockingly mutilated state, with five other women severely injured. The shaft was old, and had been twice raised to a greater height, but had not been made secure. Our Illustration gives a view of the ruins. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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