Prize dogs in the National Dog Show at Islington, 1869. ...the Prince of Wales not only honoured the exhibition with his presence, but also sent for public inspection some of the best specimens from his own kennels...amongst them, his magnificent brace of Russian greyhounds [ie Borzois]...Molodetz and Oudatschka...Oudatschka couches in the centre, Molodetz stands just behind. The Prince of Wales also exhibited his grand bloodhound Vulcan, as well as his noble mastiffs Druid and Duchess. The mastiff shown at the right-hand corner is Druid...Mr. Cowens first-prize blood-hound Draco, whose head is seen above the back of the Russian greyhound, stands first of his order as a most promising young dog and a worthy son of Druid. The mastiff in the left-hand is Turk, which gained the first prize amongst the mastiffs...The other large dogs are the Rev. J. C. Macdonas smooth-coated Mount St. Bernard dog, Monarque, winner of the first prize...and Hedwig, a rough-coated St. Bernard, own sister to Mr. Macdonas famous Tell...Monarque and Hedwig stand together, between the Russian greyhound and the mastiff Druid. Amongst the smaller dogs [were] the Rev. W. J. Mellors Dandie Dinmont dog, Bandy...Mr. Haynes pug, and Mr. Clarkes Blenheim spaniel. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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