Opening of the Yachting Season: match of the Royal Thames Yacht Club - The Fiona winning at Gravesend, 1868. The course was from Erith, round the Nore light-ship, and back to Gravesend...The Fiona was the favourite. This light, large-sparred craft had the very day to suit her. The wind, E.S.E., was something between a light air and a whole-sail breeze. It was a dead beat down, with plenty of running and reaching back...Entering Long Reach, the wind freshened and became dead on end, when the Fiona gradually, board after board, stole upon the Vindex, and ran through her lee off Stone, taking the first place. In each succeeding board the Fiona gained, and her advantage was increased by the Vindex carrying away her topsail-yard a little above the Chapman, at about which time the peak lashing of the Sphinxs mainsail gave way. The Fiona rounded in gallant style; but the Vindex cut it too fine, and had there not been some of the ebb left, she would doubtless have fouled the Nore light-vessel...The race finished at Gravesend, as follows: Fiona, 5hours. 25 minutes. 44 seconds; Vindex, 5h. 43 min. 30 sec.; Sphinx, 6h. 3 min. 30 sec. The Fiona thus won by 1 min. 45 sec. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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