New buildings of the Tuileries [Palace] in the Place du Carrousel, [Paris], 1869. The reconstruction of the southern wing of the rapidly approaching completion...The two pavilions surmounted by open campaniles and ornamented with allegorical statues and an infinity of rich carving are the Pavilions Lesdigui?res and La Tr?mouille, the arched gateways beneath which are appropriated to foot-passengers passing to and from the quay, while the larger arches, between the two towers, are set apart for carriages. A long gallery above connects the Tuileries and the Louvre; and in the block of buildings to the right is found the new Salle des Etats...Twelve allegorical statues, destined to surmount the Corinthian columns in the basement wall, have [recently] arrived...The ceiling of the new gallery will represent the Pleasures, Games, and Loves escorting Bacchus; the execution being intrusted to the pencil of M. Carrier-Beleuze. Indeed, the chief point in these new buildings is the richness of the decorative element. At a time when vulgarity has, in many instances, invaded the domain of art, it is worthy to note the delicate taste and extremely ingenious inventive talent displayed by the architect of this building, M. Lefuil [sic]. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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