Mr. T. Landseer, A.R.A., 1868. Engraving from a photograph by John Watkins. By the election of Mr. Thomas Landseer as an Associate of the Royal Academy, for the first time since the foundation of that institution three brothers participate at one and the same time in its titular honours. It is some years since Sir Edwin Landseer and his brother Charles Landseer received the full diploma of R.A. Till recently, however, the Academy has been, and even now is, very chary of its honour to engravers. For this cause, no doubt, the election of Mr. Thomas Landseer to the preliminary honour of the associateship has been delayed. Certainly the artist has long well deserved the distinction the Academy has to give. As an engraver in the modern mixed style, particularly of the works of his brother Sir Edwin, Mr. Thomas Landseer is deservedly held in high estimation...The father, Mr. John Landseer, who was distinguished as an antiquary as well as an Associate Engraver of the R.A.,...destined all three of his sons to be painters, and, happily, a love of art manifested itself in each almost from infancy...young Thomas Landseer was, besides being initiated by his father, made a pupil of the eminent engraver, Raimbach, for upwards of a year. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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