Laying the Foundation-Stone of the new bridge at Prague, 1865. Engraving from instantaneous photographs taken by Friedrich...The act of laying the stone was performed by the Cardinal Archbishop of Prague (Prince Schwarzenberg), in the presence of the Deputy-Governor of Bohemia and of several dignitaries of the Church...[who] crossed the river by a temporary bridge over the River Moldau... Mass was here the Archbishop, who bestowed his benediction on the undertaking...The town was illuminated in the evening, and an illuminated procession of boats descended the river to the site of the intended bridge...The bridge is to be named, in honour of the Emperor, the "Franz Josephs Br?cke"...The bridge is being built from the designs of Messrs. Ordish and Le Feuvre, of Westminster...The suspension portions of the structure will be entirely of steel, manufactured by Shortridge, Howell, and Co., of Sheffield, under their new process, and will afford the first example of a work of magnitude in which iron will have been superseded in this class of structure, by steel...The contractors for the Prague bridge are Messrs Huston and Co., of Carolinenthal, Prague; and the superintendent Mr. C. R. Wessely. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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