Gunton Hall, Norfolk, the seat of Lord Suffield, visited by the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1865. This mansion, of which we present a View, taken by Messrs. Mason and Co., of Norwich and Old Bond-street, is a modern building, very pleasantly situated in the midst of a park of upwards of 1000 acres in extent, well wooded and stocked with game. It lies on the main road from Norwich to Cromer, sixteen miles from the former and about four from the latter, a well- known watering-place, of which Lord Suffield is lord of the manor. Gunton is nearly the most northeasterly point of the county of Norfolk, and is within about four miles of the sea. Preparations have been in progress for some time at the house for the reception of their Royal Highnesses [the future King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra], the suite of apartments and the ball-room having been prepared and magnificently decorated. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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