Grand ball in the Exchange News-Room, Liverpool, to Prince and Princess Christian and Prince Arthur, 1868. Reception given in the town hall by the Mayor, Mr. Edward Whitley.The room is of large dimensions, square in form, lofty, and surmounted by a beautiful dome, the effect of which, when lighted up, is extremely fine...The Royal party...danced a good deal, and did not leave the ball till half-past two in the morning. As they left the room Princess Christian and Prince Arthur were enthusiastically cheered, as was also the Countess of Derby. Princess Christian wore a white satin robe, richly trimmed with lace, with a short skirt and a long train. Upon her head she wore a tiara of diamonds; upon the right shoulder a large cameo set in diamonds (the gift of her Majesty the Queen), and around her neck a necklace oi diamonds, from which was suspended the Maltese cross, in brilliants, and the order of Victoria and Albert. Princess Henriette of Schleswig-Holstein wore a white moire antique dress trimmed with point lace, and on her head she wore a triple band of diamonds. The Countess of Derby wore a black satin dress, trimmed with lace and diamonds. Prince Arthur and Prince Christian wore the ribbon of the Garter. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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