Funeral procession of the Prince Royal of Belgium leaving the Palace of Laeken, 1869. The funeral of the young Duke of Brabant, only son and heir apparent of the King of the Belgians, who died, not many days ago, in his childhood, after suffering months from a slow and wasting disease, is the subject of our Illustration. The procession set forth at eleven oclock from the Royal Palace of Laeken; the clergy, bearing a large cross, with the Archbishop of Malines, in his robes of gold-embroidered black velvet and mitre, and with two other Bishops, preceded the coffin, which was covered with a rich pall of silver and gold cloth, and carried by soldiers of the Guard. The mourning father, King Leopold II., with his brother, the Count of Flanders, walked sadly behind...Several mourning carriages were added to the procession, with the pony which the little boy used to ride...At the moment of taking his last look the afflicted King covered his face with his hands, knelt down, and then - his head leaning against the coffin in which reposed the dear and precious remains - gave free course to his tears. It was a sad and touching spectacle, which none could behold unmoved. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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