Fetes of the Viceroy of Egypt at Cairo: regatta at Ismailia, on Lake Timsah, 1869. The Viceroy of Egypt celebrated the anniversary of his accession, on January 18, by a series of festivities [which we have] engraved from sketches taken by our Special Artist... A regatta was held on Lake Timsah, which borders the town of Ismailia, the central station of the Suez Canal. The lake is about fifty miles from the seacoast, and was formerly a fresh-water reservoir, as the name Timsah, or crocodile, indicates. Since the formation of the great canal the waters of the Mediterranean now occupy the basin, which is four square miles in extent. The boats were principally those connected with the works on the canal; some had come from the Mediterranean; and men-of-war boats were expected to have come down the [Suez] canal, but unfortunately came a day too late. The first prize was given in the name of the Viceroy, and the second in the name of the Hereditary Prince, son of the Viceroy. Our Engraving shows part of the town of Ismailia in the background, with the Governors house, and the chalet of M. de Lesseps, promoter and managing director of the Suez Canal. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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