English church, Philippolis, Orange Free State, South Africa, 1868. The Orange River territory...lies to the north of Grahamstown and the eastern provinces of the Cape Colony, and to the west of...Natal. It was formerly a possession of the British Empire, but in 1854 was abandoned to the Dutch farmers, who are its chief inhabitants, and who have made it an independent Republic. It is governed by an elective President, Council, and Volksraad, or Parliament; the President at this time being an Englishman, Mr. Brand, who was a barrister at Capetown. The capital of the county is Bloemfontein; the other towns of importance are Fauresmith and Philippolis, having many English residents, who form a Church of England congregation, under the Rev. C. Clulee. In the number of this Journal for June 4, 1864, was published an Illustration, furnished by that gentleman, of the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of his new church. This ceremony was performed by President Brand on his way to Bloemfontein to commence his term of government; and Bishop Twells, head of the Orange River mission, who has lately visited England, took part in the services on that occasion. We now present an Engraving of the church at Philippolis in its finished condition. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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