Drinking-fountain and trough at Southampton, 1865. Mr. Poole, the architect, was instructed to prepare a design, which...having been approved of, the work was placed in the hands of Mr. Stevens, by whom it has been most satisfactorily carried out. The fountain, which is of Corinthian design, is raised on a concrete and brick foundation, approached by three graduated steps, and bordered by a handsome tesselated or mosaic tile pavement, the basement being channel-rusticated, with a weathered plinth and plain band. Each side is furnished with a moulded basin supported by marble shafts with Portland stone caps and bases. The structure is capped by an enriched cupola dome, terminating with a richly-carved four-armed cross, indicative of "Cross Pond," or cross roads. On each face is an elliptic moulded and sunk medallion panel, with figure carvings in high relief, representing the four seasons, the festoons over which are carved with characteristic foliage, as are also the capitals. The supply of water, both at the fountain and troughs, will be constant and abundant. The structure has a very attractive appearance, and is a highly creditable specimen of artistic skill. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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