Distribution of Prizes to the 26th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers at Guildhall, [City of London] on Saturday last, 1865. Lady Elizabeth Romilly performed the ceremony of distributing the prizes to the best marksmen of the 26th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers (her Majestys Customs Rifle Corps)...Her Ladyship addressed the members of the corps...[and said:] "Any praise or criticism of your soldierlike qualities from a woman would have very little value; you will not, therefore, expect them from me; but a woman may claim to be a judge of what is apparent in matters of appearance. On more than one occasion I have seen the regiment under arms in the field, and I can say, without going beyond my proper province, that it was a most pleasing sight"...On the conclusion of the ceremony Lieutenant-Colonel Grey briefly addressed the assembly. Sir T. Fremantle (chairman of the Board of Customs) congratulated the regiment on having fulfilled his prophecy of three years since by largely increasing their numbers and their efficiency. In conclusion, a vote of thanks was passed to the Lord Mayor and Corporation, and three cheers were given to Lady Elizabeth Romilly. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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