Distribution of prizes to ragged-school pupils at Exeter Hall, [London], 1868. Prize-giving to ...the boys and girls...who have behaved well in service or in other industrial situations...The scene was very lively, the great hall being crowded with these young people, whose clean, smiling faces and neat clothes showed their improved condition of life. There were many banners, bearing appropriate designs and the names of the different schools...The chair was taken, in the absence of Lord Shaftesbury, by Mr. Joseph Payne, Deputy Assistant Judge of the Middlesex Sessions. He gave the prizes, which consisted of beautiful cards printed in colours, fit to ornament the walls of the childs homes. Those who gained these prizes for the first time received a sum of 7s. 6d...while those who had in former years taken prizes would...be presented with a book...[to the value of] 7s. 6d...The average of prizetakers in past years has been 580; but that number has this year been increased to 681 (319 boys and 362 girls)...The ages of the recipients ranged from twelve to eighteen years...The proceedings were interspersed with several hymns, sung extremely well by the children...the meeting separated after singing the Doxology. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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