Christmas Soiree at the Hanover-Square Rooms, of the Association in aid of the Deaf and Dumb, 1869. This society...has the following for its objects: to provide extended religious and secular instruction among the deaf and dumb throughout the metropolis after they have quitted school, assist those having good characters in obtaining employment...and to encourage the early training of deaf and dumb children preparatory to their admission into educational institutions...The chief work of the association is among the 2000 deaf mutes of London. Without its aid there is no doubt many would fall into habits of depravity and become dangerous to society, while others would be deprived of all the advantages of religious instruction, sympathy, and assistance which this society affords...The large hall was densely crowded, between 400 and 500 of those present being deaf and dumb. The noble chairman made an earnest appeal on behalf of the society. Other addresses were delivered which, being interpreted to the deaf and dumb, appeared to afford them much gratification. A variety of amusements were provided for the entertainment of those present, including the performance of Mr. Samwells troupe of dogs, and Professor Dugwars juggling feats. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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