Bust of the late M. Victor Cousin, by A. Munro, presented to the Institute of France, 1868. It may be remembered that a portrait and notice of the late M. Cousin appeared in this Journal a twelvemonth ago, soon after his death, which took place at Cannes in the beginning of last year. Mr. Alexander Munro, the sculptor, who enjoyed his personal acquaintance, was then in the south of France. Under his superintendence, a cast of the features of Victor Cousin was successfully taken by a moulder from Nice. The French Government, being apprised of this fact, commissioned Mr. Munro to execute a marble bust, which has just been placed in the Palais de llnstitut. Our Engraving, from a photograph by M. Adam Solomon, represents this work, which is declared by all M. Cousins friends who have seen it to be an admirably truthful likeness, animated by the characteristic expression of his mind...M. Victor Cousin was not only the greatest of French philosophers in his time; he was also, by the admission even of his rivals, the best of French writers. From "Illustrated London News", 1868.

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