American Civilians in the Audience in a Courtroom During the Lindberghs Kidnapping Case Trial, 1930s. USA. "The crime of the century". To the jury, the states case looks powerful indeed...New Jersey has rested its case, convinced that it has clearly established, that the defendant Hauptmann, came to the state of New Jersey on the night of March 1st 1932, with the ladder which he built, placed that ladder against the wall of the Lindbergh home and went into the Lindbergh home and murdered the child...The verdict that the jury brought in - murder in the first degree - was one expected by the millions...Justice had at last been done...For poor Colonel Lindbergh and his wife the agony was at last over. For Bruno Richard Hauptmann...nothing left but execution and the dubious glamour of notoriety. From "Time To Remember - The Tough Guys", 1930s (Reel 4); documentary film, mainly about life in depression- and gangster-hit America.

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